Nouwen (Henri) fonds

Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (1932-1996) was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian. After nearly two decades of teaching at academic institutions in the United States, Nouwen went on to work with mentally and physically handicapped people at the L'Arche Daybreak community in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Within the Henri Nouwen fonds is a hard-bound journal, draft manuscript, and several draft typescripts entitled "Ukrainian Diary." In it, Nouwen describes his trip to Lviv, Ukraine in 1993, and his experiences there in the company of Borys Gudziak and Zenia Kushpeta. The collection also includes about 20 photographs of the trip, along with a second one taken in 1994, in a separate series (Box 386, file 112).

Physical description
5 cm. of textual records
Call number
CA ON-00389
Language region
John M. Kelly Library, University of St. Michael's College