The collection contains resolutions, directives and telegrams from the Central Committee of All-Union Communist Party, the Soviet of People's Commissars and their mirror organizations in Ukraine; correspondence from local Party committees and executive committees of the local Soviets; official and private appeals of the regional party committees to higher Party authorities; memoranda and information reports from branches of state security, justice, and the prosecutor's office, as well as citizens letters. This material provides information about grain procurement policies in Ukraine; the escalation of food shortages, large-scale starvation, and mortality among the peasantry; political attitudes and political unrest among the peasants and some members of the grassroots Party organizations; and measures eventually taken by the Central Committee and the People’s Commissariat to contain the scale of the disaster.
Holodomor: the Famine in Ukraine, 1932-1933
Woodbridge, CT: Primary Source Microfilm, 2004
Physical description
158 reels
Call number
mfm HC340.19 .Z9 F3 2004
Language region
Media Commons