Kievan Rus’ and Muscovy Collection
From the description of Professor Martin Dimnik and Librarian's Assistant Caroline Suma:
From the description of Professor Martin Dimnik and Librarian's Assistant Caroline Suma:
Born in Khrotytsia, a German-speaking Mennonite colony in Southern Ukraine, David Rempel came of age during the Civil War. He immigrated to Canada in 1923 and then went on to study and live in the United States. He spent his career as an historian and teacher preserving the vanishing culture of the Mennonites in Russia and Ukraine. The collection consists of Rempel's documents, including correspondence, mainly pertaining to Mennonite history in pre-revolutionary Russia, and the effects of the Maknovshchyna and the emigration to North America.
The Potichnyi collection includes German, Polish, Ukrainian, KGB and other documents related to the Ukrainian underground movement. Also included are extensive correspondence, clippings and other documents pertaining to the Ukrainian underground.
These publications constitute three separate collections, consisting of approximately 60 boxes of materials issued by various departments of Radio Free Europe from 1961 to the present. Many of the publications are weekly background and situation reports on Eastern Europe and the USSR in English. About half of the material consists of publications from the Czechoslovak Unit of Radio Free Europe issued since 1970, and reprints of items from Czech and Slovak newspapers and journals.
This collection, reproduced from the Royal Archives, reflect Queen Victoria's active role in foreign affairs. It includes the principal papers of state forwarded to the Queen, her related correspondence with her ministers, and correspondence with other sovereigns and members of families. Also included are reports and memoranda that were attached to correspondence for the Queen's information. These documents contain statistics, eyewitness accounts and intelligence reports from foreign office officials stationed throughout the continent.
The collection consists of approximately 350 books and pamphlets in the Russian language, from the Yivo Library's Vilna and Elias Tcherikower collertions. Most of the books, pamphlets, and offprints contained in this collection were printed in Central and East Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries (all of them before 1940, and most before 1917).
A collection of vocal and instrumental music, with Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian and Ukrainian words.