Russian & Soviet

Departmental Records of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, 1953-1966. Part 1. Soviet Republics

The collection of declassified documents from Fond no. 5 of RGANI consists of documents from different sections of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, which in the 1950s and 1960s supervised Party development work, ideology, propaganda, science, education, culture, and agriculture in the RSFSR and other Soviet republics.

Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

The collection contains 3,400 unique records of intelligence reports, diplomatic cables, political analysis, military situation reports, minutes of secret meetings, secret letters, oral histories, and closed-hearing testimony. These are unclassified and declassified government documents pertinent to important issues of U.S. defense, foreign intelligence and international policy.

Cold War and Central Committee. Series. 4: Plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU

This collection documents the plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU from the Stalin era until the demise of the Soviet Union. During each plenum a team of stenographers compiled an "uncorrected stenogram" or verbatim transcript of the proceedings. However, speakers were permitted to revise and extend their remarks.

Card Catalog of the Former Library of the Russkii zagranichnyi istoricheskii arkhiv (RZIA)

The former Russian Historical Archive Abroad (RZIA) in Prague, Czech Republic, one of the most important institutions to Russian emigration collected books, periodicals and newspapers from emigre communities in the Soviet Union and around the world. There are 100,000 cards in this catalog with bibliographic descriptions and extensive notes.

Braun (Peter J.) Russian Mennonite Archive

This collection contains approximately 140,000 pages of documents from the Peter J. Braun Mennonite Archive, assembled in the Molochna Mennonite Settlement, Southern Ukraine, during the years of revolution and civil war from 1917 to 1920.  The extensive collection of Russian Mennonite sources covers subjects ranging from religious life, to economic development, to administrative practices from 1803 to 1920.

Berlin Crisis, 1958-1962

This collection provides a record of U.S. policy during the most prolonged U.S.-Soviet crisis of the Cold War era. It contains approximately 3000 documents from the Department of State and Department of Defense, primarily from November 1958 to the fall of 1962. Some of the topics covered in the collection are: U.S.

Tragedy of the Soviet Countryside, Collection on the

From the description of Professor Lynne Viola: This is a unique and valuable resource for scholars interested in the history of Soviet peasantry, collectivization, and repression in the countryside during the 1930s. Included amongst the documents are the hundreds of secret police reports from the archives of the FSB (the KGB's successor), an archive still closed to all but a handful of researchers. The collection also includes documents from the provincial archives of Riazan and Ukraine as well as from all major central archives in Moscow. These are photocopies of the originals.