Smolensk Archives: A Collection of Documents Primarily from the Files of the Smolensk Oblast Communist Party, 1917-1941

This collection includes Smolensk regional records of the All-Union Communist Party (Vsesoiunaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia) of the Soviet Union, from 1917 to 1941. The archive reflects the changing jurisdiction of the Smolensk Party headquarters over the years. Topics covered include: agriculture, machine-tractor stations, trade unions, industry, armed forces, censorship, and education.

Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza. Smolenkii Oblastnoi Komitet. Partiinyi Arkhiv
Washington: Committee for the Study of War Documents, American Historical Association, 1957
Physical description
75 reels
Call number
mfm JN .K646
Language region
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