Leaders of the Russian Revolution: Part 9: Kalinin Papers

This collection of papers is part of the series "Leaders of the Russian Revolution" and comes from the Russian Centre for the Preservation and Study of Documents of Most Recent History (RtsKhIDNI), known until 1991 as the Central Party Archive of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (1875-1946) was a member of Union for Struggle of the Liberation of the Working Class, based in St. Petersburg and founder of the RDSRP. The collection includes photographs, diaries, transcripts of speeches, autographs of articles, reports and materials on his work in Petrograd and other places, and on the formation of the Jewish Autonomous Region (Birobidjan) and Intourist.

Edited by Jana Howlett
Cambridge: Chadwyk-Healey in association with the State Archival Service of Russia, 1994
Physical description
220 reels
Call number
mfm DK188 .L43 1992 pt.9
Language region
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